Insecurities-3 (Freedom)
Greetings to you all in the Loving name of our LORD and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.Hope you are doing well.Today we are discussing about the #freedom as we are so close to the Independence day.Ok,What is Independence?Not of the nation's but of the personnel? ∆ Some says being an Extrovert is Freedom,and being an introvert is slavery.But is that OK?Is that freedom? ∆ And some says,Let go of your past like it's not a part of your life or like it's not even happened.But is that freedom? Could a person just let goes his/her past.How it's possible?While the past clings unto him/her like a glue,because we can't erase it,we may try to forget but not.The past which was filled with our negligence or irresponsibility or characterless behaviour or dis-obedience to parents or God (like the prodigal son said) or our willful wrong doings,immature things ,how can we erase them,unless they were forgiv...