Meanings Of FAITH
The Three Meanings of Faith
"For it is by Grace you have saved, through Faith".Ephesians- 2:8
"....Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come".1Thessalonians-1:9
God justifies those who have faith in Jesus. Jesus rescues us from the coming wrath.Gods wrath on those who don't believe God.
What is faith?
In greek Faith be called as "chisteo"
Chisteo has 3 meanings:-
1. Believing Jesus as the only saviour of the world. Deuteronomy 32:38 "The gods who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their drink offerings. Let them rise up to help you. Let them give you shelter. See now that I myself am He! There is no god beside me. Where are their idols? Where are they?
You should believe that Jesus is the only saviour.
You should believe that Jesus is the only saviour.
2. Living submissive life by completely obeying His words.Having belief is not enough,you should obey His word.
John 3:36 "whoever believes in Son has eternal life".
John 14:21 "whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me." Genesis 26:5 says, Abraham obeyed the Lord's commands, instructions, decrees. So abraham became the father of all who believe.
3. Believing God's protection till the end
He makes you to stand in His presence. Faith means having belief that God protects and saves us from the wicked world and will give his eternal life.
3. Believing God's protection till the end
He makes you to stand in His presence. Faith means having belief that God protects and saves us from the wicked world and will give his eternal life.
2Timothy-1:12 "He is able to guard that I have entrusted to him until that day."
2Timothy'4:18 "The LORD will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. He will protect you until the last day of life." Every minute, every second, every day, every monthly, every year until we get into heaven. We are usually afraid of everything, What is my future? What happens to my future?. You should believe that He will guard you. Paul says (2Timothy-1:12)I know whom I have believed. I know what He can do, I know that he will protect my life and rescue me from every evil attack. Furnace of suffering cannot do any harm to you. They make you to be drawn more nearer to God.Adversaries, difficulties make you to obey God . For any Government Authority security and protection be given in their period of reign.After that the security and protection will be reduced. But we have the security and protection of Heaven until that day.He will protect your race of Faith until that last day.
Message by Pastor Stephen(Lothu)
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