Go to the Deep
Luke 5: 4
Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
NIV -Put out into deep water
NLT-go out where it is deeper
BLT-Put off into the deep
KJV&NKJV-Launch out into the deep
ABE-Take to the deep
WNT-Push out into the deep water
Jesus asked Simon Peter to Go Deep,to catch fish.We could think that all the night they had worked so much but found nothing.But when Jesus asked them to do,they got to see a large number of Fishes.How is it possible?Did Jesus called out to the fishes?Yes He CALLED.
When Peter was asked to go Deep,there was the mystery.and Obey+Faith is the Key to that Mystery.
Likewise we were also asked to Go Deep.
We need to go deep into the love of God.There we will find what we need.Dont just roam just above the outer layer.But dig into it,dive into it.God's Love for you is deeper than the ocean,stronger than anything in this world.Dont just stir up but dive deep into it.
Ephesians 3: 18,19
May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
You need to know the breadth,width,depth and the height of the Love of God which is upon you.
Peter went deep into it ..not only just water but Peter was able to see to length of God's love in His Life.He thought and he understood that he was a sinner,weaker but When Jesus first saw him,Jesus said to him-"From now on you will not be called Simon-Reed but Cephas-Peter -The rock.
How could Jesus see Peter as the rock when Peter has to overcome many of his earlthly desires many of his not so holy attitudes?he has to change a lot.but even before that Jesus could see him Pure.That much is deep-length-wide-height of His PureLove.
Peter undertood that and Offered himself to God and left everything behind and followed Jesus.
Are you able to see your past,present and future in Your life?
Peter has seen his Future so he left his past and presnt too.
Are you able to see your past like Peter -"Lord,Iam a Sinner".
And Can you leave your present -"Master we have toiled all night but found nothing,and after that he left everything."
And Can you submit your every helplessness,hopelessness,tiredness,your life and everything?
And Can you obey to his Word with faith-Master We have toiled all the night but for your Word try again.I will Go again?
And Can you see your future-Simon has also seen himself as Cephas-Peter like Jesus.
May God Open our hearts to go deep into His love and help us to see ourselves as He sees,Amen.
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